May 4, 2024


Interior spice

How to deep clean and organize your kitchen

Once you’ve completed these simple tips and tricks in the kitchen, you’ll feel refreshed and organized to take on the day. [STATEPOINT]

Over the last year, our kitchens have become a place where we prep for an important presentation, help with schoolwork, cook meals together and laugh with friends at a virtual party.

All this time in the kitchen can also mean it becomes the catch-all room for everything and everyone, making now the perfect time to create a functional space where items are easily accessible and organized with your routine in mind. From your refrigerator to that messy junk drawer, follow these DIY kitchen organization tips to revamp and refresh this part of your home.

Design an easy-to-use (and clean) layout.

Cooking at home more? You’ll want to clean and organize your fridge to make snack time and meal prep easier. Start by removing every item from shelves and drawers and toss any items that have expired. Once it’s completely empty, give your fridge a deep clean, especially in those sticky back corners.